Yesterday John sent me a text that I feel compelled to share with you:

‘Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery,
If it weren’t for no blog I’d have no blog at all
Gloom, despair, and bloglessness on me.’

The man knows how to get his point across. To that end, here goes….

Much is said these days about girls; in fact, we have been paraded, wrangled, and plopped into the cultural arena like never before. We are advocated, elevated, and defended. In some extreme cases, we present a silent threat by our presence alone. Ironically, what my friends and I really want is to simply enjoy being girls.

Connie Hopper is a gospel music legend. The first time I walked on the stage as a professional was in 1974 when she was sick and the group (our distant neighbors) asked me to fill in for her. I stepped on their tour bus and realized my highest dream. They were gracious and patient. They were (and are) kind people who cheer for everyone else. They are sincere champions of the music genre whose history and track record is unsurpassed for all of the right reasons.

Deana Warren and I have been friends for about that long, as well. She began as a reporter and a publicist for the Singing News. She so loved gospel music that she wrapped her life around it. She ran down every path that led to a concert, an interview, a press release, etc. She genuinely loved her work and people took notice. She met Bill and Gloria Gaither indirectly but they recognized her meticulous work and loyal character. She is now in her 24th year working with them.

We met for lunch this week and we did what girls do. We caught up. We laughed. We told stories – new, old, funny, sad. We analyzed the state of the music industry, the culture, the church. We bemoaned the impact of age, the loss of our memory, and other things I cannot recall. But we had a blast! We sat at a table by the window for three hours – three hours, I say – and savored every second of it.

Have you noticed that when Jesus had important things to share, He often did it at a meal? He dined with sinners and tax collectors, and we can only imagine the gist of that conversation. Remember the night of rigorous fishing when Jesus suggested, ‘Let’s have breakfast!’? That was when He queried Peter, ‘Do you love me more than these?’ Remember the Passover meal when He told His apostles that He “eagerly desired” to eat the meal with them? It wasn’t the food – it was the conversation.

And so it was. Friends with benefits: the gift of history with each other, the trust forged in bygone days, the sweet assurance that it will last forever.

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One Response to IT’S A GIRL THING…

  1. AZSunshine2019 says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more. I have a couple of friends that I can spend half a day with and it seems like it was just a few minutes. We talk about everything and nothing. Just enjoy getting together, having brunch, lunch or dinner and talk and laugh until we think we better leave the restaurant so someone else can have our table. More often than not, walk out to our vehicles and continue to talk for several more minutes. Finally parting ways and anxiously anticipating the next get-together.

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